General Resources



This website includes more up to date information on KWILLT including the methods, study findings, resources, presentations and publications.

The Winter Warmth Toolkit

Planning and preparedness is essential to keep our communities safe and well. This website will provide you with information, statistics and communication resources to help your organisation ensure that vulnerable people stay safe, well and warm during the winter.


PatPat Part 1 Transcript
Pat Part 2 Transcript
Pat Part 3 Transcript

Ben and JoanBen and Joan Part 1 Transcript
Ben and Joan Part 2 Transcript
Ben and Joan Part 3 Transcript

MeenaMeena Part 1 Transcript
Meena Part 2 Transcript
Meena Part 3 Transcript

EnidEnid Part 1 Transcript
Enid Part 2 Transcript
Enid Part 3 Transcript

Pearle Pearle Part 1 Transcript
Pearle Part 2 Transcript
Pearle Part 3 Transcript

FredFred Part 1 Transcript
Fred Part 2 Transcript
Fred Part 3 Transcript

Reading list

  1. Department of Health. Cold Weather Plan for England: Protecting Health and Reducing Harm from Severe Cold. London: Department of Health, 2011.
  2. Department of Health. Cold Weather Plan for England: Why Cold Weather is Essential to Health and Well-being. London: Department of Health, 2011.
  3. Marmot Review Team. The Health Impacts of Cold Homes and Fuel Poverty. London: Friends of the Earth, 2011.
  4. Liddell C, Morris C. Fuel poverty and human health: a review of recent evidence. Energy Policy 2010;38:2987–97. [Web of Science]
  5. Department of Health. How to Reduce the Risk of Seasonal Excess Deaths Systematically in Vulnerable Older People to Impact at Population Level. London: Department of Health, Health Inequalities National Support Team, 2010.
  6. Healy JD. Excess winter mortality in Europe: a cross country analysis identifying key risk factors. J Epidemiol Community Health 2003;57:784–9. [Abstract/FREE Full text]
  7. Dear KB, McMichael AJ. The health impacts of cold homes and fuel poverty. BMJ 2011;342:d2807. [FREE Full text]
  8. West Midland Public Health Observatory Excess Winter Deaths Atlas. (accessed Nov 2011).
  9. World Health Organisation. Environmental Burden of Disease Associated with Inadequate Housing. Copenhagen: World Health Organisation, 2011.
  10. National Energy Action. Fuel Poverty Facts: Excess Winter Mortality. (accessed Feb 2013).
  11. Department of Health. Keep Warm Keep Well.
    (accessed Nov 2011).
  12. National Energy Action. Warm Homes Campaign Toolkit. (accessed Feb 2013).
  13. Department of Health. Winterwatch. (accessed Nov 2011).
  14. Directgov. Heating and Insulation Improvements from the Warm Front Scheme.
    (accessed Jan 2012).
  15. Department of Energy and Climate Change Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation Consultation.
    (accessed Jan 2012).
  16. Stockton H, Campbell R. Time to Reconsider UK Energy and Fuel Poverty Policies. Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2011. (accessed Jan 2012).
  17. Abrahamson V, Wolf J, Lorenzoni I, et al. Perceptions of heatwave risks to health: interview-based study of older people in London and Norwich, UK. J Public Health (Oxf) 2009;31:119–26.[Abstract/FREE Full text]
  18. Day R, Hitchings R. ‘only old ladies would do that’: age stigma and older people's strategies for dealing with winter cold. Health Place 2011;17:885–94. [Medline] [Web of Science]
  19. Wolf J, Adger WN, Lorenzoni I. Heat waves and cold spells: an analysis of policy response and perceptions of vulnerable populations in the UK. Environ Plan A 2010;42:2721–34. [Web of Science]
  20. Hitchings R, Day R. How older people relate to the private winter warmth practices of their peers and why should we be interested. Environ Plan A 2011;43:2452–67. [Web of Science]
  21. Armstrong D, Winder R, Wallis R. Impediments to policy implementation: the offer of free installation of central heating to an elderly community has limited uptake. Public Health 2006;120:161–6. [Medline] [Web of Science]
  22. Critchley R, Gilbertson J, Grimsley M, et al; And the warm front study Group. Living in cold homes after heating improvements evidence from warm front, England's home energy efficiency scheme. Appl Energy 2007;84:147–58.[CrossRef] [Web of Science]
  23. Wright F. Old and cold: older people and policies failing to address fuel poverty. Soc Policy Adm 2004;38:488–503. [Web of Science]
  24. The National Social Marketing Centre. What Is Social Marketing. (accessed Nov 2011).
  25. The National Social Marketing Centre. A Starter for Ten: Definitions. (accessed Jan 2012).
  26. National Social Marketing Centre. Big Pocket Guide: Social Marketing. (accessed Apr 2012).
  27. Department of Energy and Climate Change. Annual Report on Fuel Poverty Statistics. (accessed Nov 2011).
  28. Ritchie J, Lewis J. Qualitative Research Practice: A Guide for Social Science Students and Researchers. London: Sage, 2003. Search Google Scholar
  29. Gilbertson J, Stevens M, Stiell B, et al; Warm front Study Group. Home is where the hearth is. Grant recipients views of the warm front scheme. Soc Sci Med 2006;63:946–56. [CrossRef] [Medline] [Web of Science]
  30. KWILLT Pen Portraits. (accessed February 2013).
  31. Department of Health. Improving Outcomes and Supporting Transparency Part 1: A Public Health Outcomes Framework for England, 2013-2016. 2011.
    (accessed Apr 2012).
  32. Rugkasa J, Shortt NK, Boydell L. The right tool for the task: ‘boundary spanners’ in a partnership approach to tackle fuel poverty in rural Northern Ireland. Health Soc Care Community 2007;15:221–30.
    [Medline] [Web of Science]
  33. South J, Raine G, White J. Community Health Champions: Evidence Review.
    (accessed Jan 2012).
  34. NHS Yorkshire and the Humber. Delivering Healthy Ambitions. Better for Less.
    (accessed Apr 2012).
  35. Mooney H. Doctors are told to “make every contact count” to reduce costs of poor lifestyles. BMJ 2012;344:e319. [FREE Full text]